​​​​​Copyright 2021 - 2024 MPD Engineering. All rights reserved.

Since we began in 1983, we have been known for customer electronics solutions for major medical companies, hospitals, and hotels across the U.S.

Our automation products are installed at over 2300 McDonalds.

We also specialize in business IP phones and networks.

If you are looking for the latest in home theater and whole house audio - look no further.

EcoView Energy Managment Support

For custom medical software and hardware, please email us.

Siemens officially retired the EcoView platform as of October 12th, 2021. 

As a result, we are no longer able to continue offering any support or spare parts. 

Please contact Siemens directly for any questions.

MPD Engineering

Installing Home Theater and Automation since 1983

Custom installations and integrations from A to Z


